We are one of the advanced Survey Engineering companies operating in United Arab Emirates. Our surveyors have considerable experience of surveying high rise buildings.We have conducted many measured surveys of high rise buildings such as “Etihad Tower”, “Masda Tower”, “Al Bahr Towers” and “Burj Salam”. The façade forms the external weatherproof envelope of a building. In modern buildings, the façade is often attached to the building frame and provides no contribution to structural stability. This type of façade can be referred to as a non-loadbearing vertical building enclosure. Many different types of construction can be used. These include profiled metal sheets, cladding panels or glass and aluminium curtain walling.
Condition surveys of building façade area are a specialist activity. It is important that you employ a suitably qualified, experienced, adequately insured person to carry them out.A carefully tailored schedule will dramatically reduce the incidence of unplanned repair and thus minimise disruption